8 Healthy Drinks

The famous proverb “HEALTH IS WEALTH” reminds us of the importance of healthy food and good health in our life. Health is one of the most important aspects of our life. if we can eat and drink healthily we can live a more prosperous life. As everyone knows in this today era every single person is busy in their own hustle bustle life. No one has time to take care of their health and diet. Avoiding healthy food can may cause major health diseases like stress anxiety and weakness. No one has time to take proper maintenance of their health. Now days tend to eat junk food that is harmful to our body is popular among the youth. As junk food contains many harmful components which are very harmful to our body and also junk food is the main reason for heart attacks and many diseases. If you want to live a sickness-free life you just need to follow a good healthy diet and a proper diet chart.

Here are 8 follow up healthy drinks recipes you need to know

Cucumber smoothie- cucumber is one of the best healthy things that one can eat daily. (Cucumber is rich in proteins and vitamins. also it hydrates our body). for making a cucumber smoothie you just need to follow a few steps-take a cucumber chopped into pieces add into the mixer then add mint green apple pieces avocado and honey into the mixer blend it and serve it in a glass with some ice cubes.

Strawberry smoothie- ( strawberry is low fat and low calories fruit which is rich in proteins and it has high antioxidant) for making the strawberry smoothie you just need-strawberry chopped into pieces add into a blender then add milk and sweet yogurt and after that add bananas. Bananas are rich in fiber and they also help in weight loss. After adding all the ingredients into the blender and blend the mixture and serve the smoothie into a glass.

Protein chocolate shake- ( protein chocolate powder is proven as one of the best ingredients for maintaining weight). For making this shake you just need to do take a mixer then add milk sweet yogurt, a protein chocolate powder, peanut butter and some chopped bananas. ( Peanut butter helps in bodybuilding and also reduces heart diseases). After adding all the ingredients blend it and your shake is ready to drink and serve.

Blueberry shake- (blueberry helps our body to fight against some major diseases such as cancer also it is highly antioxidant and also to maintain our body system) for making blueberry shake you need to add blueberry, spinach, bananas and honey in a blender. ( spinach is rich in vitamin A and C also it was rich in iron and folic acid). After adding all ingredients blend it and serve in a glass your healthy smoothie is ready to drink. 

Kiwi smoothie- for making a kiwi smoothie you need five ingredients in your list spinach kiwi milk and yogurt (kiwi is rich In vitamin c and it is having a variety of benefits regarding health and helps to maintain our digestive system of the body). After adding all the ingredients into the mixer blend the ingredients and your tasty healthy drink are ready to serve.

Vanilla berry smoothie- for making a vanilla berry smoothie you just need few ingredients which are milk, water, yogurt strawberries, blackberries blueberries and Vanilla Protein Powder. (Blackberry is a great source of vitamin c and helps to boost your brain. it also helps the body to fight against various diseases.) After adding all the ingredients blend the jar and make the finest smoothie. Pour the smoothie into a glass and serve it with ice cubes.

Lettuce smoothie- for making a lettuce smoothie you just need hardly few ingredients which are strawberries lettuce a small piece of ginger and beets ( lettuce help in providing fiber and iron to our body and also it is a bioactive compound and beets help our body to provide iron and also protect our body from cancer ) after adding all the ingredients blend it and serve the smoothie in a glass with some ice cubes.

Pineapple smoothie- for making this healthy drink you just need to add chopped pieces of pineapple mango and orange with some yogurt ( pineapple is rich in nutrients and proteins and also help the risk of some major diseases, mango helps to support our body heart system and orange helps our body in fight and repair against deal cells and boost our immunity)after adding all the ingredient mix and blend it in a blender and serve it with some ice cubes.

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