7 Best Salads

The famous proverb “HEALTH IS WEALTH” reminds us of the importance of healthy food and good health in our life. Health is one of the most important aspects of our life. if we can eat healthily we can live a more prosperous life. As everyone knows in this today era every single person is busy in their own hustle bustle life. No one has time to take care of their health and diet. Avoiding healthy food can may cause major health diseases like stress anxiety and weakness. No one has time to take proper maintenance of their health. Now days tend to eat junk food that is harmful to our body is popular among the youth. As junk food contains many harmful components which are very harmful to our body and also junk food is the main reason for heart attacks and many diseases. If you want to live a sickness-free life you just need to follow a good healthy diet and a proper diet chart. As everyone knows that salad is one of the best meals that one should eat in their daily life's. As salad provides you loss of energy and it is full of balanced nutrients.

Here are 8 salad recipes you need to follow up-

1. Red beans salad beans are proved as healthiest food. Beans are full of proteins. So for making red beans salad you just need to take a frying pan after that put some oil cloves ginger tomatoes onion and more veggies of your choice lend it and let them stir for few minutes add to water that adds red beans into the pan. your healthy dish is ready to serve On your plates and finally garnish it with some coriander leaves 

2. Protein salad- salad is a light weighted food that everyone should eat once a day. Eating salad will give your energy a power pack boost and also helps to make your bones and muscles strong for making proteins salad you just need to do take a bowl add some chopped cucumber onion tomatoes after that take a frying pan put some oil into it then add chickpeas salt red chili salute it for few minutes then add this mixture into the bowls of vegetables add coriander ginger and lime juice mix it and its ready to eat.

3. Soya chunks salad- soya is one of the high protein ingredients. Soya is too much beneficial not only for our body but also for our bones and muscles.  Also, it helps to burn out the fat from our body. for making soya chunks salad- you Need to need to do take some soya chunks to boil for few minutes. After that add the soya chunks to a bowl and add curd, spices, salt according to your taste, black pepper, some mixed herbs, after that marinate it for few minutes. Afterward, put some oil in a pan add veggies of your choice and let them out in a bowl add marinated soya chunks mix the mixture add your salad is ready to serve.

4. boiled eggs are also at the top of healthy lists. Boiled eggs will you to burn your fat also it is rich in protein. For making boiled eggs salad you just need to boil some eggs afterward cut them into slices and put them into a bowl and add spinach, some sprouts baby cherries, and onion into the bowl and garnished it with some mixed herbs and your salad is ready to eat.

5.Waldorf salad- for making Waldorf salad you just need to do is take a bowl and yogurt, some dice cut apples, then add half a cup celery, then add some red grapes and some roasted walnuts, afterward add some lime juice and salt and pepper according to your taste and your dish is ready to serve.

6. Sweet potato salad- sweet potato is a rich source of fiber. For making sweet potato salad you just need to do take a bowl add some roasted cauliflower and sweet potato to bowl them add some lime juice afterward add yogurt and cabbage then give it a good mix. And your salad is ready to eat.

7. Coleslaw salad- for making coleslaw salad- you just need to do is take a bowl and add some yogurt and some olive oil and some apple cider vinegar afterward add carrots onions cabbage and garnished it with some mixed herbs

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